CDP SDK Demo Apps

What are CDP APIs?

Coinbase Developer Platform (CDP) APIs are backend and frontend suites of crypto services to easily build onchain apps.

CDP SDK is the backend SDK for these APIs that enables you to:

  • Build programmable MPC wallets for developers
  • Access onchain data and using testnet faucets
  • Leverage crypto verbs like send, receive, trade, stake
  • Read, write and deploy smart contracts with ease

USDC Rewards App

Automatically rewards users with free $USDC in return for providing their crypto wallet and email addresses.

Wallet Command Center

Wallet Command center to manage your MPC wallets

Automated Payouts

Automate mass payments for free on Base with Transfer APIs on CDP SDK.


Mint AI-generated images onchain

USDC Payments App

Send testnet USDC to any address in a familiar banking interface

USDC Lending App

Explore a simple app that uses CDP SDK for decentralized lending and borrowing.

Onchain AI

The Onchain AI template provides a simple app for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback using the CDP SDK.

Trading Bot

Discover automated trading strategies implemented with CDP SDK on Telegram.

Contract Reader

Contract Reader to read data from any contract deployed on Base network